solving problems which develop odd twists? - Microsoft Community

this ongoing problem getting clean reload of windows 10 on asus notebook.

this sort of getting technical, uefi options , software requests ntfs reformatting.

i have query out asus see if have bios can use, have a

"quick reflash" option.

at present, can read flash drive enabling uefi option, microsoft software complains have wrong disk format.

it gives me 4 different partitions can update. use 1 labelled "system" ?

the main question is: these types of ongoing problem twists need new topics,

or can add them old topic?

i marked old topic answer "helpful" , pending actual completion

of process, haven't managed yet.

has add on subject of uefi , reformatting, etc, or partitions are

supposed do, , whether should attempt set notebook uefi machine??

i have cloned data onto spare disk through usb, out of way.

should sent different forum, not strictly microsoft question?

well personal choice, setup windows 10 on legacy bios , on hard drive formatted ntfs (mbr) rather uefi , gpt. 

the reason if ever need reload or repair windows 10, plug in installation media, boot , perform installation or repair, find uefi restrictive needs - personal choice!

Windows / Windows 10 / Install, upgrade, & activate / PC


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