Windows defender error - Microsoft Community

hi everyone,

i hope can me. :)

i updated windows 10 creators update. wonderful except 1 thing. i'm facing problems new windows defender security center. windows defender service doesn't work should. 

when login windows, windows defender turned off. start manually using new windows defender security center. starts , after seconds stops automatically notifing in notifications center. have advise in event log:

bucket errato 127853535483, tipo 5
nome evento: windowsupdatefailure3
risposta: non disponibile
id cab: 0

firma problema: 
p1: 10.0.15063.0
p2: 8024000b
p3: 3afe7ed9-b734-4164-985f-f91707728450
p4: download
p5: 200
p6: 0
p7: 0
p8: windows defender antivirus (77bdaf73-b396-481f-9042-ad358843ec24)
p9: {7971f918-a847-4430-9279-4a52d1efe18d}
p10: 0

file allegati:

i file potrebbero essere disponibili qui:

simbolo analisi: 
nuova ricerca di soluzioni: 0
id rapporto: 18ce3fca-4ad6-43dc-bf79-86b19cc22906
stato rapporto: 268435456
bucket con hash: 3377a28fc1f026b911f04c519eb459f5

it's italian hope can me. :)

in advance! :)


1. did computer come win10 preinstalled, did you clean install of win10, or did upgrade win7 computer or win8.1 computer [<=pick one!] to win10?

2. manufactured computer (e.g., dell; hp; acer; lenovo; asus)?

3. has norton application or mcafee application ever been installed on computer since bought it?

4. have ever run norton removal tool and/or mcafee consumer products removal tool?

5. version & os build of windows 10 is installed?

  • press & hold windows key , press the r key. in the run dialog, type winver , press the enter key.

6. win10 creators update offered & installed via windows update or did choose install manually?

Windows / Windows 10 / Windows update, recovery, & backup / PC


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