Windows 10 Start up Screen WILL NOT CHANGE even when I click btwn - Microsoft Community

trying towards older start menu - not screen. randomly changed after update , older look. have seen videos , tutorials on how change full start screen vs. start menu. however, mine on full screen when turn feature off. new update supposed that? why have option change if won't change? want older version after log in, there desktop icons, task bar @ bottom , start menu there if clicked. any tips appreciated please. also- have sent feedback microsoft prefer older better.

you should able use start menu , desktop if wish, can on pc ( w10, ver 1607, build 14393.693, found <start> <settings> <about> ).

two things check:

1. go 'tablet mode' via 'action centre' , check 'tablet mode' not blue. action centre on task bar @ far right, notifications appear.

2. if thats correct, <start> <settings> <system> <tablet mode>, , check 'when sign in' , 'when device automatically switches .....' settings set require them be. have "use desktop mode" , "always ask..." set on pc.

or have tried?

Windows / Windows 10 / Desktop, Start, & personalization / PC


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