Connection fail issue unable to determine fix, and 90 minutes on hold - Microsoft Community

unable send or receive messages wavecable (malem2us) account. connection server has failed.

server: ''
windows live mail error id: 0x800ccc0e
protocol: pop3
port: 110
secure(ssl): no
socket error: 10060

above email error,  windows 7 home professional, updates active, running windows live mail, pop info good, web browser not connect mail server, phone will.   below browser tells me when try access

this site can’t reached took long respond.


i'm still in dark, heard rumor wave broadband transitioning e-mail new server or something, cannot reach through browser or windows live mail program.

i can reach through cell phone galaxy s7....

i losing money , falling behind in bills due not being able send out invoice , killing me.  wave still refuse answer phones on tech support lines.

anyone have clue how remedy this?

Windows / Windows 7


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