Delete selected newer files from Windows 10 File History backup - Microsoft Community

have been using file history backup files on windows 10 pc.  i had large file collections have been moved pc nas raid drive , no longer want backups in file history since take space.  (the files backed raid drive).  can delete files file history backup?  i saw post regarding win 7 indicated not done older version believe file history backup system different.  i can see files individually (folders of files actually) don't know how file history database tracks backed files.  is possible simple delete backups no longer need?


let's follow these steps delete older version of files in windows 10:

  1. open the control panel (icons view), , click/tap on the file history icon.
  2. click/tap on the advanced settings link on left side.
  3. click/tap on the clean versions link in the versions section.
  4. select time period of versions want delete, , click/tap on clean up.
  5. file history cleanup start discovering items specified time period, , delete them if available.
  6. if didn't find versions of files old, click/tap on close, , repeat step 4 above using shorter time period if like.
  7. if cleanup completed successfully, click/tap on ok.
  8. you can close file history control panel if like.

update results.


Windows / Windows 10 / Windows update, recovery, & backup / PC


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