Microsoft R RxSpark Execution - Microsoft Community


i trying execute below code "revo64-9.0 -f testrxspark.r" command

list.files(system.file("sampledata", package = "revoscaler"))
myhadoopcluster <- rxspark(namenode="", port=8020,consoleoutput=true)
file.exists(system.file("sampledata/airlinedemosmall.csv", package="revoscaler"))
bigdatadirroot <- "/user/revoshare" # hdfs location of example data
rxhadooplistfiles(bigdatadirroot) # there no files @ point.
source <-system.file("sampledata/airlinedemosmall.csv", package="revoscaler")
inputdir <- file.path(bigdatadirroot,"airlinedemosmall")
rxhadoopcopyfromlocal(source, inputdir)
hdfsfs <- rxhdfsfilesystem(hostname="", port=8020)
colinfo <- list(dayofweek = list(type = "factor", levels = c("monday", "tuesday", "wednesday", "thursday", "friday", "saturday", "sunday")))
airds <- rxtextdata(file = inputdir, missingvaluestring = "m", colinfo  = colinfo, filesystem = hdfsfs)
# adssummary <- rxsummary(~arrdelay+crsdeptime+dayofweek, data = airds)
rxsummary(~arrdelay:dayofweek, data = airds)

i got following error:

17/03/19 00:00:11 warn util.nativecodeloader: unable load native-hadoop library platform... using builtin-java classes appli$
warning: not found in /log/cloudera/parcels/mrs-9.0.1/hadoop, searching system-wide
internal error: cannot reset hdfs internal params while connected hdfs file system.
error in try({ :
  internal error: cannot reset hdfs internal params while connected hdfs file system.
error:  error in try({ :
  internal error: cannot reset hdfs internal params while connected hdfs file system.

the scaler library scaler-hadoop-0.1-snapshot.jar copied cloudera parcel hadoop lib folders on nodes.

please me fix @ earliest

do bing on "unable load native-hadoop library platform", & run hadoop people. there none here know of! here's sample of turn up...

good luck.

Windows / Windows 10 / Microsoft Store / PC


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