Update History - Windows 10: how far back should it show? - Microsoft Community

an fm created thread incorrect device driver released window 10 on 8th of month. the first first step advised towards resolving problems check update history & instructions were:

from start, choose settings, then  update , security, windows update, , select  update history.

this driver listed microsoft – wpd – 2/22/2016 12:00:00 - 5.2.5326.4762.

i tried update history starts on 9th august (kb3176495). (my laptop 13 months old, win10 laptop.

i haven't changed settings update history (if there somewhere) may ask

(1) if have problem update history & if should next

(2) every win10 product have same history i.e. top-of-the-range products retain history longer period

or (3) fm wrong?


the fuller list here goes time anniversary update installed. please note, however, list current updates.  7 updates recorded windows.

Windows / Windows 10 / Windows update, recovery, & backup / PC


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