PLEASE READ: Upgrading to Windows 10 Creators Update is more - Microsoft Community

i felt excited creators update expected rollout today. ran windows 10 upgrade assistant. when conducted researches risks, canceled update. felt scared of suffering many bugs , problems.

i not forcefully update pc creators update due following scenarios:

- after update, os will the fontless edition based on przemyslawherman's post from

- there missing start menu items makes annoying based on holgerianus' post

- of non-essential functionalities such location might turn on.

- installation might fail due corrupted data.

- require sign out microsoft account , sign in using local account before installation?

i wait few days, weeks, months, , years have stable creators update.

if facing problems didn't mentioned other problems, please share experiences. feedback can more helpful posting related screenshots. so, can share advice how solve problems.

one of important things users should perform thorough backup before attempting upgrade:

12 things should before installing windows 10 creators update (version 1703)

Windows / Windows 10 / Install, upgrade, & activate / PC


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