Cortana seems to have major issues!!!!!! Tries - Microsoft Community

i doing comparison evaluating ios, vs tablet window 10.

so have new windows 10 tablet week.   must tablet, , windows 10.

i price.

i doing evaluation folks comparing ipad, windows 10 tablets.

cortana mess!

1.  above behavior started today no explanation.  when click on cortana circle on task bar or launch app tiles, cortana tries open, briefly displays cortana window, , quits.  tablet display dims.  no other apps open, tablet stuck.  click on cortana again screen brightens , app's can open.

2.  when open edge , open cortana, cortana opens , works.  cortana seems work when edge open.

spent hours today on web looking solution, running troubleshooting.

this bothersome microsoft allow such buggy app cortana exist on os.  siri must liking this.

what going on cortana??????

what missing here?  technical not technical enough.



same thing happened me, except edge on or off still don't work.

and has happened in past few days no reason, have tried clean image, , still did not work.

i hope fixed in next update.

Windows / Windows 10 / Cortana & search / PC


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