Windows Update - not enough disk space - Microsoft Community

the tablet has windows 10 (10586) installed on 18gb partition. nothing relevant installed in terms of space.

it went on downloading "feature update 1607", requiring 10gb available on drive.

so acknowledged using usb pendrive of 32gb, empty. 

it went on preparing installation , had hit gray button "fixes" go on.

it added cumulative update before installing feature update, , preparation pending @ 60% because asks both 8gb of space (fine) , more 3.59gb on c: (where 1.57 gb available).

there no way free space on c: wonder @ best. hoped usb drive solve problem.

do think original partition size not enough? or, options?

perhaps last resort iso upgrade usb, still consider there leftover (but windows cleanup doesn't find beyond few 100 mbs).

hi riccardo,

see here you're unable update windows 10 tablet due not enough disk space. confirm, when system asks more storage space, give option to  use usb drive instead of using c: drive? if not, recommend download iso file of windows 10 instead can put them usb device other option complete update.

let know if need further assistance.

Windows / Windows 10 / Windows update, recovery, & backup / PC


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