Upgrading From Win 7 to 10 With DVD Install - Microsoft Community

so perhaps i'm behind times, i've decided make jump windows 7 pro 64-bit windows 10 pro 64-bit, , have bought install dvd & code.

but after looking information online , seeing results "10 upgrade though windows update" scenario, wanted sure of something: when install disk after boot menu, lose of files on boot drive?

i have 3 drives: boot ssd win 7 installed , several programs anti-virus, , 2 hard drives other things such documents, music, etc.

what have make sure don't lose important non-win 7 files , programs boot drive, other having transpose them drive? upgrade leave them alone? new install force me recreate partitions , lead boot drive losing programs?

i apologize if basic information, i'd put fears rest before upgrading 10.

so perhaps i'm behind times, i've decided make jump windows 7 pro 64-bit windows 10 pro 64-bit, , have bought install dvd & code.

but after looking information online , seeing results "10 upgrade though windows update" scenario, wanted sure of something: when install disk after boot menu, lose of files on boot drive?

no, should backup when performing upgrade:

when making significant changes computer such updating operating system, should backup.

how manually backup , restore files

i have 3 drives: boot ssd win 7 installed , several programs anti-virus, , 2 hard drives other things such documents, music, etc.

uninstall antivirus, disconnect non-essential drives, exception boot drive. learn more:


what have make sure don't lose important non-win 7 files , programs boot drive, other having transpose them drive? upgrade leave them alone? new install force me recreate partitions , lead boot drive losing programs?

we can't guarantee go smoothly, why recommend perform thorough backup:


i apologize if basic information, i'd put fears rest before upgrading 10.

Windows / Windows 10 / Install, upgrade, & activate / PC


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