Windows 10 upgrade - Microsoft Community

recent upgrade windows 10 has created kinds of problems. i'm missing things, things have changed, dome games crashing. else having these problems? can uninstall upgrade?

sorry, not having problems. can avoid problem. here's how:

1- if hardware not compatible windows 10, don't install windows 10. if do, it's matter of time before trouble starts.

2- don't upgrade windows 10 - clean install.

3- after installing, run windows update until computer date.

4- install software programs supported on windows 10.

5- don't make changes computer until you've done research , you're doing right thing right way.

6- backup every day.

this how avoid 98% of computer problems. other 2% of problems due software bugs are, unfortunately, unavoidable. nothing made of software ever perfect.

there have it. that's how savvy computer users run computers. unfortunately, takes lot of preparation , technical knowledge take steps, need know accessible average user on internet. decided long ago bite bullet, , reward computer trouble-free it's effortless use.

Windows / Windows 10 / Windows update, recovery, & backup / PC


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