Windows Vista / Windows Update issue - Microsoft Community

hello there.

i had go vista w10 ,since had terrible memory management .

anyway having trouble windows update.

i installed possible updates install before verified os (license) after activated vista

there sp2 ,i installed ,oh before ,there update of windows update service/program.

so after installed sp2 ,windows update unable or should stuck on searching updates (i left on 12 hours >_> )

need ,since system seems not stable

below more of ranting...

getting 0xa0000001 bsod when watching avc /aac videos in potplayer-madvr ,when seeking ,5seconds or clicking seek bar . still not issue here ,maybe if updates ok. 1 seems amd driver issue (r9 290) since dint released crimson drivers vista. or maybe c++ issue

oh almost forgot ,i installed 3 update manually ,since people said .

oh great since tried fixing issue cleaning update history (catroot /cmd) unable tell update installed ....

anyway reading .

i hope can .

Windows / Windows Vista


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