Windows 10 installs update today- now my computer is stuck to safe - Microsoft Community

how roll windows updates command prompt since can't safe mode ui due fact have 1 user account?

can make administrative account command prompt? new account allow me rollback updates in safe mode?

***my rant of why want thes things follows- skip if must. found cathartic.***

i tried make windows 10 didn't auto install updates, apparently didn't work , tried install update.

upon restarting computer fails past little spinning dots , window pane.

i reboot few times see if make through, doesn't until 3rd or try. left , error code saying wrong 1 of mandatory devices , need repair windows etc. etc.

ok, figure, no problem, i'll roll previous version of windows. nope, can't in safe mode. need sign in account that...but have 1 account , in safe mode can't make new accounts!?! try media creation tool figuring should trick. download it, run , "upgrade computer" , error code- again!

this work computer- have deadlines , work do. second time win 10 update has messed computer. haven't had problems windows os since irq/dma switch days on win 3.1 , xp. 

i don't understand device that's essential can't run. right i'm on same computer- , when in device manager there warnings devices not supported in safe mode. else works- video card, mouse, keyboard, drives etc.

what can ensure windows doesn't install updates sans security updates? why can't roll safe mode or command prompt? can i? how? else i'm reinstalling usb windows , software should take @ least 4hrs.

why don't have admin account since every pc must have one?  use go previous version in settings>update , security>recovery.

if hacking install try achieve or other, trouble not having access admin account means mess has been created. 

you can try sort out following how enable hidden windows 10 administrator account from command prompt in advanced startup options should use regain control of admin account , hide again emergencies.

Windows / Windows 10 / Windows update, recovery, & backup / PC


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