Hi there lets get a few basic... Load problem when click next... - Microsoft Community

i cleaned of data reinstall (reset windows) , didn't plug external storage , else (except wired mouse , power charger).

and  i follow instruction , when reset finished, restarted , got "hi there let's few basic.... 

and restarted laptop thrice enter kind of boot options (it's in blue screen also), choose troubleshoot - advance option - startup repair, , suddenly, must take password (administrator, not password or any). , problem when ask computer shopkeeper in shop buy laptop, said click continue (no input password), , result wrong password

i don't know how that

just hope if there's way out problem

thank you 

n.b: don't have installer (cd , usb), don't tell me use installer

"hi there let's few basic...." that's point downloading on computer. should leave computer on state. based on understanding, restarted computer while on stage, hence, interrupted downloads. try solution:

create windows 10 installation media.

make sure wait until installation completed, take time sure, depend on internet connection. hope helps.

Windows / Windows 10 / Windows update, recovery, & backup / PC


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