How do i restore everything on my computer from a backup folder - Microsoft Community

got computer service , have whiped out exept 1 backup folder have on desctop. how use folder recover files? computer has windows 8...

hello joonas,

thank posting concern in microsoft community.
in regard restoring folder backup in windows 8, we'd need confirm first if upgraded windows 8 previous version of windows (e.g. vista or windows 7) , had scheduled backups set in backup , restore, windows continue use backup schedule. if used backup , restore in previous version of windows, can still restore files backups.

check article complete guideline:
back , restore pc (also applies windows 8.)

note: you must signed in administrator able use these options.

do not files same hard disk windows installed on. example, not files recovery partition. store media used backups (external hard disks, dvds, or cds) in secure place prevent unauthorized people having access files; fireproof location separate computer recommended. might consider encrypting data on backup.

learn more, read wiki article: windows 8 / 8.1 / 10 total backup system.

let know if have questions.


Windows / Windows 8


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