I need to put my CDs onto an SD card to play them in my car. - Microsoft Community

canon printer has sd card slot. when use windows media player sync cd sd card (drive i) tells me can't because of unspecified error. on other systems of copying , pasting i'm told cds write-protected , must remove protection first, i've no idea how do. know how should proceed?

your canon printer's sd card slot reader only.

cds definition "write-protected" (i.e., read-only).

does car have sd slot not cd player?

if must have sd card use in car, buy usb-connected sd card reader (which function write sd cards when connected computer).  sure buy device compatible cards have.

for example:  https://www.amazon.com/s/ref=nb_sb_noss_2?url=search-alias%3delectronics&field-keywords=sd+card+reader

Windows / Windows 7 / Music, photos, & video


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